Vision and Principles

Income Security Programs Vision and Principles


Individuals and their families will be treated with respect and dignity and be provided with the financial resources, based on need and capability, to participate in community life and to share in the opportunities available throughout the Northwest Territories.


Improve accessibility of Income Security programs and ensure clients have the opportunity to develop greater financial security.

Guiding Principles

  • Provide culturally-safe and integrated services to help people navigate the broader system of community supports and services
  • Respect an individual’s perspectives and treat them with dignity
  • Ensure communications are provided in a clear and concise manner and are easy to understand
  • Provide benefits to those in need

Income Security Programs include Income Assistance (IA), Income Assistance for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities, NWT Child Benefit (NWTCB), NWT Senior Citizen Supplementary Benefit (SCSB), Senior Home Heating Subsidy (SHHS), and Student Financial Assistance (SFA).

For more information about ECE Income Security programs, call 1-866-973-7252 or visit your local ECE Service Centre.

Service Level Commitments

Income Security Programs guarantee we will:

  • Provide courteous, quality service and answer all of your questions;
  • Treat you with dignity and respect;
  • Protect your personal information and correct your personal information if there has been an error or omission;
  • Only use your personal information for the purpose of determining program eligibility;
  • Welcome a friend, family member, or advocate to come to meetings with you;
  • Work with you towards reaching self-reliance;

 We will achieve this by:

  • Providing a response (verbal or written) to your application within 3 business days of verifying all of your required documents;
    • If approved, we will issue payment within the same timeframe;
  • Returning your telephone and e-mail messages within 2 business days;
  • Assisting you with filing an appeal if you do not agree with a decision; and
  • Conducting periodic customer satisfaction surveys to ensure optimum service.