
Mailing Address

NWT Student Financial Assistance Program
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Government of the Northwest Territories
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

Street Address

1st Floor Lahm Ridge Tower
4501-50th Avenue
Yellowknife, NT




Toll-free: 1-800-661-0793
Yellowknife: 867-767-9355

The toll-free number is accessible from anywhere in Canada.

You can leave us a message 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Yellowknife: 867-873-0336

SFA Staff Directory

SFA General Inquiries - 867-767-9355 ext. 71331
Administrative Assistant – Michaela Neglak-Voss

867-767-9355 ext. 71331

Intern, Student Case Officer - Jasmine Sleno 867-767-9355 ext. 71445
Student Case Officer A - D – Sheldon Williams 867-767-9355 ext. 71328
Student Case Officer E - K – 867-767-9355 ext. 71331
Student Case Officer L - P – Hana Steinwand 867-767-9355 ext. 71329
Student Case Officer Q - Z – Kelsey Pruden 867-767-9355 ext. 71330
Manager, SFA – Ashley Gillis 867-767-9355 ext. 71327
Finance Officer, Revenue and Collections A - G - Braiden Charlton 867-767-9355 ext. 71310
Finance Officer, Revenue and Collections H - M  – Chantelle Duval 867-767-9355 ext. 71311
Finance Officer, Revenue and Collections N - Z - Joel Levavasseur 867-767-9355 ext. 71312
Expenditure Officer, Travel/Payables – Thom Jarvis 867-767-9355 ext. 71313
Manager, Divisional Finances  867-767-9355 ext. 71306