Starting and Operating a Licensed Family Day Home
The NWT's Early Learning and Child Care Act (Act), Early Learning and Child Care Standards Regulations and Early Learning and Child Care Funding Regulations set out the minimum standards that must be met in a licensed early learning and child care program (licensed program) to ensure the safety, well-being, and developmental needs of children are met.
How to get a license
Under the Act, a license is required to operate a licensed program that provides care for 4 or more children.
To become a licensed child care provider in the NWT, contact the Early Childhood Consultant in your region. They will take you through the steps you need to prepare and apply for a license.
Rules for operating a licensed program
- Early Learning and Child Care Act
- Early Learning and Child Care Standards Regulations
- Early Learning and Child Care Funding Regulations
- Child Care Fee Reduction
- Five-Year Retention Funding
- Health and Safety Funding for Family Day Homes
- Home-based Operating Funding
- New Child Care Spaces Fund for Family Day Homes