Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you still require information once reviewing this section, please call the Student Records office. 

What is the difference between a Transcript and a Validation Statement?

  • A Transcript is an official document of all the courses a student has taken with all the marks that were received, and the credits that were earned. If a course has been taken twice, only the best mark will appear.  In addition, transcripts are the official record of marks that are sent to Colleges and Universities.
  • A Validation Statement is an unofficial document that shows the credits required to graduate, the credits the student has earned, what credits are still needed, all courses taken, the marks received, and the transcript mark.  Validation statements are used to ensure that schools, parents, and student have accurate information as student progress through high school. For Diploma Exams the school mark, the exam marks, and the transcript marks are shown.  Parents can request this document at any time.

How can I receive a copy of my Transcript?

  • A transcript has to be requested from Student Records.  The quickest way to obtain a transcript is to use the following link: Request a Transcript
  • All transcripts are mailed out to the College/University/Scholarship your request with a copy sent to yourself  showing confirmation.  Transcripts are always sent out within one day.
  • There is no fee for transcripts.

Transcript Requests           

  • If you plan on sending more than one transcript to your school of choice, you will only need to put in the request once. 
  • On your transcript request you can ask for your transcript to be sent immediately, after 1st Semester results, and 2nd Semester results.  If you request all three your transcripts will be automatically sent on Feb. 22  and again on July 22.
  • On July 22, student records will express post your transcript to your school of choice.  However, this is the only time that ECE will access an expedited postal service in this way and this is to ensure that Aug. 1 deadlines for transcripts are met.
  • If you are using Apply Alberta to submit your applications, please note you must still request your transcripts from NWT Student Records.

Transcripts  - Transfer Students that have transferred to the NWT during high school.

  • When applying to Universities/Colleges you will need a transcript from the NWT as well as the province you transferred from.  The exception for this is Alberta as all your information is transferred to the NWT Transcript.

What do I do if there is something missing on my Transcript?

  • NWT Student Records cannot change anything on the transcripts without documentation.
  • In such an event you will need to contact your school as soon as possible.  In the NWT it is the schools that send NWT Student Records the correction information for transcripts. 


  • Validation statements should be reviewed by parents and students for correct spelling of the student’s name because this will be the name printed on the Diploma.
  • If you are moving during the school year or shortly after remember to contact Student Records ( ) with the new address.
  • Students attending Ecole Boreale and Ecole Allain St.-Cyr will receive Diplomas in French.

Enrolment Histories

  • If you are applying for Student Financial Assistance, you must verify that your years of schooling in the NWT are correct in our records. 

  • Funding is based on the grades completed.
  • Considering the operational year of our schools, please ensure that you confirm your information while schools are still in session. You can review your enrolment history on the NWT Student Access site at nwtstudents, Student Records CMAS Online System.