Employment Assistance Services
Employment Assistance Services provides career and employment assistance targeted to local and regional needs. Employment Assistance Services are used to fill gaps in services and is intended to help individuals prepare for the workforce, find work and/or to maintain work through third-party organizations.
Available Funding
There is no maximum allowable funding. Funding will be based on regional budgetary considerations.
There is no deadline. This program can be accessed at any time.
To be awarded an agreement, a service provider must:
- provide demonstrated experience and the ability to develop the service;
- demonstrate the ability to provide appropriate training;
- provide adequate facilities and equipment;
- demonstrate management and planning capabilities;
- provide competitive and reasonable service costs;
- demonstrate the ability to obtain and use labour market information;
- understand Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) programs and services and their requirements; and
- agree to the reporting requirements set out in the agreement.
Projects under Employment Assistance Services may include the following group skills training:
- Literacy and numeracy;
- Academic upgrading;
- Workplace essential skills;
- Life skills;
- Employment readiness programs;
- Pre-employment training courses; and
- Skills-specific training programs.
How to apply
Contact your ECE Regional Service Centre
Regional ECE Service Centre staff will review and assess the organization’s proposal/application.