Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification

Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification

The Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE), through the Labour Development and Standards division, administers the Northwest Territories Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification (ATOC) Program. ECE supports the development, maintenance and delivery of designated trade and occupation training programs that contribute to the development of a skilled northern workforce.

ATOC is an industry-driven partnership that ensures a highly skilled workforce in 43 designated trades and 17 occupations. The Minister of Education, Culture and Employment appoints members to the Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification Board (ATOCB).

The ATOCB provides advice and is the link between the department and industry, facilitating a strong partnership leading to qualified apprentices and a skilled workforce. There are also five Trades Advisory Committees for the carpentry, plumbing, electrical, heavy equipment technician and housing maintainer trades. The Trades Advisory Committees are made up of representatives from industry. The Advisory Committees provide assistance to ECE by ensuring industry standards are met.

Regional ECE Service Centres are the delivery arm for the ATOC training system. ECE Service Centre staff:

  • register apprentices and other individuals pursuing certification in designated trades and occupations;
  • monitor workplace training of apprentices and counsel employers and apprentices on various aspects of the apprenticeship and industry training system; and
  • monitor the workplace for compliance with the Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification Act and Regulations.

ECE, along with industry partners, is committed to supporting partnerships, people and possibilities, and building a workforce that contributes to industry and the economic well-being of the Northwest Territories.

Service Standards