École Įtłʼǫ̀ replaces École J.H. Sissons

École J.H. Sissons School was built in 1975 in Yellowknife. In 2018, after many studies, consultations and analyses, the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) recommended that the school be demolished, due to significant wear and tear on the building and growth in the school population. The school closed in June 2020, and a two-year build began on the existing J.H. Sissons site.

École Įtłʼǫ̀, which means cranberry in Wiiliideh, will open for the 2022-23 school year, on time and on budget. The completed Įtłʼǫ̀ school will provide a stimulating and productive learning environment that will be a centre of community activity for years to come.

The new facility features 18 classrooms with current technology and a centrally located library at the heart of the school. An Indigenous consultant provided insights on the design of the building, which resulted in incorporated elements such as circular spaces, wayfinding, and colour selections.

The Įtłʼǫ̀ School build is the first new school in Yellowknife in 20 years.

During the two years of construction, Yellowknife Education District No. 1 (YK1) developed a plan to accommodate all the students of École J.H. Sissons School at École William McDonald Middle School. The Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) formed a steering committee with YK1 representatives to oversee the coordination and overall management of the rebuild project.

Quick facts

  • The Department of Education, Culture and Employment is responsible for the construction of new schools, colleges, community learning centres and libraries across the NWT.
  • YK1 is responsible for ongoing maintenance and operation of schools within its district, along with the location of programming within its schools, including accommodation planning.


Project Timeline - J.H. Sissons Rebuild - May 2019

Project Summary - J.H. Sissons - May 2019

School Timeline - J.H. Sissons - May 2019

Project Summary - J.H. Sissons - June 2019 - NEW

Communications Flow Chart - J.H. Sissons Rebuild

Advisory Group - Terms of Reference - J.H. Sissons Rebuild

Geotechnical Study

Questions & Answers

DRAFT - Student Accommodation Plan



J.H. Sissons School Renewal Geotechnical Study - January 10, 2019

YK1 Student Accommodation Plan DRAFT - January 10, 2019