What to look for in an early learning and child care home or centre
Health and safety
- The licence is posted in a visible place when you enter the home or centre.
- The home or centre is clean and in good repair.
- Doors to outside or to unsafe areas (e.g. a garage or parking area) are secure.
- Balconies are locked and off limits, there are gates on stairwells and windows are securely fastened.
- Staff and children wash their hands before meals and after toileting or diapering.
- Toys are disinfected on a regular basis (daily for infants and toddlers).
- There are clear routines in case of an emergency such as fire, evacuation or accident.
- Procedures about children’s allergies (such as food) are clearly stated and observed.
- There are clear routines for giving children needed medications at child care.
- Cleaning products, medications or implements are stored safely.
- If meals are provided, menus are posted, and the food is nutritious.
- When children leave the premises (to go to the library or park, for example), they are well supervised.
- Outdoor space is clean, well-maintained and available.
- Cribs/playpens and other equipment meet current safety standards.
- Each child has his/her own crib (infants/toddlers), cot and/or bedding/pillow/blanket for sleeping.
- Staff have up to date first aid training.
- Families are aware of the presence and roles of all adults on the child care premises (including family members).
- The number of children in the home/group/room (at a minimum) meets the standard.
Environment, materials and programming
- Families are regularly provided with information about the daily schedule and programming, as well as about their child’s day and activities.
- There are activities, equipment and materials suited to children of different ages.
- Children have access to a variety of age-appropriate equipment and materials.
- Activities emphasize play and exploration through group and individual activities.
- Children have considerable opportunity for active play, much of it outdoors.
- The child care environment is set up in a safe, accessible and interesting way (for example, children can use materials freely).
- Children are not overly controlled or programmed; at the same time, they are not wandering around aimlessly.
- Children are engaged with the materials and environment, they look busy, content and relaxed.
- There are displays of children’s work and documentation of activities.
- Diversity – racial, ethnic, gender, ability – is well represented in materials, visually and in programming.
- The space is organized to make transitions (from indoors to outdoors, or from active play to lunchtime) smooth.
- There is a welcoming, warm atmosphere for families.
- There is at most limited use of TV or other passive technology.
- Staff have education or training related to working with young children; at a minimum, certification requirements are met by the home or centre.
- The staff engages in professional development or information sharing with others in early childhood education on an ongoing basis.
- In a home setting, caregivers can provide references.
- Staff have a clearly defined approach to education and caring.
- Staff treat children with respect, listen to them and respond to them sensitively.
- Staff encourage co-operation, problem-solving and independence in the children.
- Staff welcome families into the child care environment at any time; there is an “open door” policy.
- (In a centre): There is a plan for staff replacement in the event of their illness or other absence.
- (In a centre): Staff communicate with each other in a positive and respectful manner (the centre seems to have a good working environment).
- (In a centre): All staff are acknowledged and introduced to visitors in a respectful way.
- A policy manual or policy document is available to families.
- Goals and objectives for children and families are articulated.
- Families are involved or consulted about the home or centre or other aspects of the child care.
- If children with special needs are enrolled, the daily program is modified as needed to support their full inclusion and participation in the program. Is the centre a not-for-profit organization? For-profit? Publicly operated? Who’s responsible for it – A parent volunteer board? A community board? A municipal government? An owner? A company? If there is a “head office”, where is it?
- How often, and how, are families expected to participate in centre or home activities?
- What are the hours of operation?
- How much are the child care space fees? When are fees due? Are receipts issued for payment of fees?
- Is there an extra charge for bringing a child early or arriving later than usual to pick up the child?
- Can the home/centre accept fee subsidies from the provincial/territorial government?
- What’s the policy about paying for holiday times (when the child is away)?
- Is there a deposit (to be on the waiting list)? If so, is it refundable?
- Is it inspected by the Government of the Northwest Territories (is the home/centre licensed)?