Action Plan Progress Tracker
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17 total action items
Manage Federal and Territorial funding for Indigenous languages.
- Fund Indigenous governments to implement their Regional Indigenous Language Plans. Complete
- Support Regional Indigenous Language Coordinators in the implementation of their Regional Indigenous Language Plans. Complete
- Review and implement Regional Indigenous Language Plan funding structure. Complete
- Negotiate multi-year funding agreements with the Government of Canada. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Recognize and affirm the need for language protection, revitalization and maintenance for all NWT Indigenous languages.
- Research how other jurisdictions commit to Indigenous language revitalization. Complete
- Implement measures to protect, revitalize and maintain languages based on research and promising practices. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Use surveys to better understand language proficiency and people’s attitudes towards Indigenous languages in the NWT.
- Update the language indicators collected in the NWT Bureau of Statistic’s NWT Community Survey. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Launch a campaign that promotes the importance of Indigenous language use and increases respect for Indigenous languages throughout the NWT.
- Communicate Indigenous language revitalization news and updates through online and other media. Complete
- Recognize and celebrate Indigenous Languages Month. Complete
- Target youth and young families when promoting Indigenous language use and revitalization. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Establish guidelines around the inclusion of Indigenous languages in GNWT communications.
- Create a toolkit for GNWT employees and leadership to showcase Indigenous languages in correspondence communications. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Recognize and celebrate outstanding leadership and contributions in Indigenous language revitalization.
- Establish an NWT wide award program for Indigenous language use and revitalization. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Support NWT communities and organizations to create and offer effective Indigenous language learning and revitalization initiatives.
- Create targeted funding opportunities to support communities with innovative and effective Indigenous language revitalization projects. Complete
- Create targeted funding opportunities for strategic language initiatives that have a territorial reach. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Offer language revitalization training opportunities to Indigenous language partners.
- Provide opportunities for language partners to take Community Linguist Certificate courses through the Canadian Indigenous Languages and Literacy Development Institute (CILLDI). Complete
- Offer opportunities for language partners to attend Indigenous language and revitalization conferences. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Support and host meetings and gatherings for Indigenous Language champions, advocates and partners to share promising practices, build relationships and network with each other.
- Host regular Indigenous language symposia. Complete
- Support the NWT Literacy Council’s annual Indigenous Languages Network Gathering. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Support the production of diverse forms of Indigenous language media, including radio, web content and magazines.
- Support the Native Communication Society and the Inuit Communications Society for Indigenous language broadcasting and media production. Complete
- Support community radio stations in program development, broadcaster and production. Complete
Indigenous Language Revitalization NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Update official languages regulations, policy and guidelines to improve access to public services in Indigenous languages.
- Research Indigenous languages service legislation and policies in other jurisdictions. Complete
- Review existing Official Languages Policy and Official Languages Guidelines including active offer, designated areas, area of significant demand and signage. On-track
Indigenous Language Access NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Educate GNWT employees on their role in providing Indigenous languages services as laid out in the Official Languages Guidelines.
- Circulate promising practices for written and verbal communication in Indigenous languages for GNWT employees. On-track
- Celebrate and recognize GNWT employees who use Indigenous languages at work through the bilingual employee recognition campaign. On-track
Indigenous Language Access NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Develop a promotional campaign on the Official Languages Act and access to Indigenous language services in the NWT.
- Use radio, social media and newsprint to inform NWT residents on language rights. On-track
Indigenous Language Access NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Support GNWT Departments to be able to offer improved public services in Indigenous languages as outlined in the Official Languages Guidelines.
- Develop interdepartmental committee of Official Indigenous Language Coordinators. Complete
- Develop a professional development program that allows for GNWT employees to access Indigenous language classes. On-track
- Develop training for GNWT employees so they know their role in official Indigenous language services. On-track
- Assist GNWT employees to implement Official Languages Guidelines. On-track
Indigenous Language Access NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Expand and improve Indigenous language programs in NWT schools and early childhood programs.
- Support NWT schools and early childhood programs to offer Indigenous language instruction and programs. Complete
- Support Education Bodies to provide professional development in the NWT for Indigenous language instructors. Complete
- Offer Indigenous language instructor training program pathways for early childhood, school and adult education. Complete
- Recruit and retain Indigenous language instructors for NWT schools. Complete
Indigenous Language Access NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Renew the Aboriginal Languages and Culture Based Education Directive.
- Develop a funding model, policy, procedures and a handbook to support Indigenous languages and cultures in schools. Complete
Indigenous Language Access NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan
Support and offer training on interpretation and translation to new and existing NWT interpreters and translators.
- Offer training on interpretation and translation, including entry-level training and specialized training for health, social services and justice. Complete
- Develop partnership with organizations, such as the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta, for training and accreditation of NWT I/Ts. Complete
- Update the Interpreters and Translators list, including dialects and credentials. Complete
Indigenous Language Access NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan