Action Plan Progress Tracker
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13 total action items
Increase internal GNWT awareness of the Arts Strategy. Improve alignment of GNWT programs and services with Arts Strategy Goals.
- Conduct a thorough review of all GNWT programs related to the arts and make recommendations for: clarifying mandates; improving public services; streamlining administration; improving accessibility; and centralizing arts-related communications. (ECE/ITI) – 2023-2024 Delayed
- Communicate the results and importance of the NWT Arts Strategy to all GNWT departments and agencies. (ECE/ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Identify GNWT policies that could be improved to better support NWT artists’ ability to make income from their art. (ITI) – 2023-2024 On-track
Status Summary
- November 2022: GNWT released the Arts Program Review marking the completion of the first key action item of the Strategy.
June 8, 2023: GNWT released its response to the recommendations of the Arts Program Review.
September 19, 2023: Four new arts project and arts operating funding programs launched.
June 2024: The delay to completing Deliverable 1 has impacted the times frames of subsequent deliverables from being completed.
Art-based business Arts funding NWT Arts Strategy
Create the foundation for an increased accountability of public funding to the creative sector.
- Consider multi-year funding agreements for NWT arts and cultural organizations. (ECE) – 2023-2024 Delayed
- Improve the ways the GNWT measures the social, cultural and economic impact of public funding to NWT artists and arts organizations. (ECE/ITI/Stats Bureau) – 2025-2027 On-track
Art-based business Arts funding NWT Arts Strategy
Increase opportunities for local artists to share their art skills and knowledge with school aged children.
- Foster relationship between artists/arts organizations, and schools/education bodies. (ECE) – Ongoing On-track
- Provide assistance to Indigenous artists, Elders, and knowledge keepers to share traditional artistic skills and knowledge with youth. (ECE) – 2024-2025 On-track
Arts education Arts funding NWT Arts Strategy
Ensure artists have access to professional development opportunities in core aspects of their profession.
- Provide arts-focused training opportunities in information technology. (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Broker opportunities for locally-delivered business administration training for the creative sector. (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Provide opportunities for NWT artists to teach workshops and/or mentor youth and early career artists. (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Develop linkages between the Arts Strategy and the Skills 4 Success Strategic Framework and Small Communities Employment Strategy. (ECE/ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Raise the profile of labour market programs and services and encourage the professional development of those engaged in the creative industries in the NWT. (ECE/ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Explore ways to support arts and culture organizations to build skills and capacity. (ECE/ITI) – 2025-2027 On-track
Status Summary
- October 3, 2023: The Government of the Northwest Territories and Canada Council for the Arts announced a new partnership to support development of the NWT arts sector.
- July 2024: New two-year Arts Organization Incubator Program launched to helping arts organizations build capacity with $440,000 in funding from the Canada Council will be available to participating arts organizations.
Art-based business Arts education NWT Arts Strategy
Increase public awareness of and engagement with the arts.
- Run regional marketing campaigns to encourage public support and appreciation of local arts and educate about NWT arts and creative sector work. (ITI) – 2025-2027 On-track
- Support creation of regional promotional materials to highlight public art in each NWT community (e.g., Art Walk brochures or online tools). (ECE/ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Raise the profile of the employment opportunities in the creative industries in the NWT. (ECE/ITI) – 2025-2027 On-track
Art-based business Arts education Public arts NWT Arts Strategy
Encourage private and public investment in the arts.
- Explore how the GNWT can display and promote art and artists in public buildings. (ITI/INF/MACA) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Encourage the display of NWT art in non-traditional spaces during renovation or building planning. (ITI/INF/ECE) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Develop an awareness campaign regarding the value of including arts and cultural activities and experiences into events and conferences hosted in the NWT. (ITI/ECE) – 2025-2027 On-track
Art-based business Public arts NWT Arts Strategy
Increase community spaces to create, promote, sell and enjoy art.
- Support NWT communities to develop more multi-use spaces/studios for artists’ use into new infrastructure projects. (MACA) – 2023-2024 Delayed
- Encourage GNWT Infrastructure clients to consider incorporating design that would support the creation of arts design and creative spaces. (INF) – 2023-2024 Delayed
- Raise awareness of federal programs that could be accessed to support the creation of cultural spaces. (MACA) – 2023-2024 Delayed
- Research ways to create affordable spaces and digital platforms for artists and creative businesses to display/promote and/or sell NWT art. (ITI) – 2025-2027 On-track
Art-based business Arts funding Arts infrastructure Public arts NWT Arts Strategy
Increase access to and availability of materials, technology and equipment across the territory.
- Create an inventory of current northern art suppliers, community tool and equipment-sharing programs and supports. (ITI) – 2025-2027 On-track
- Promote the ITI Hide and Fur Program as a source of materials for art and creative projects. (ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Seek ways to reduce costs (such as shipping) for raw materials, equipment, and tools to NWT communities and artists. (ITI) – 2025-2027 On-track
- Increase access and availability of NWT fur and hide for NWT artists. (ITI/ENR) – 2024-2025 On-track
Status Summary
- July 2024: New two-year Arts Organization Incubator Program aims to help the Government of the Northwest Territories build relationships with arts organizations.
Art-based business NWT Arts Strategy
Ensure arts stakeholders and community leaders are connected and working together.
- Continue to engage in national networks (such as Canadian Public Arts Funders Network, the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Culture and Heritage Table, the Canadian Crafts Confederation) to share best practices, learn about new opportunities and technologies, in the desire to better support the NWT arts sector. (ECE/ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Work with local Indigenous leaders and knowledge holders to develop and disseminate information about cultural appropriation, respecting cultural protocols, intellectual property rights, copyright, and the importance of respecting, preserving and celebrating traditional knowledge. (ECE/ITI/ENR/EIA) – 2025-2027 On-track
- Continue to build relationship and partnerships with NWT arts and culture organizations. (ECE/ITI) – Ongoing On-track
Arts funding Arts organizations NWT Arts Strategy
Explore the creation of an NWT Arts Association.
- Support the arts community to explore the feasibility or interest in creating an arm’s-length entity that would support and strengthen the NWT creative sector. (ECE/ITI) – 2023-2024 On-Hold
Arts organizations NWT Arts Strategy
Promote the creative sector in the territory and beyond to increase economic development opportunities for all NWT artists.
- Pursue national and international partnerships to find new opportunities and markets for NWT artists. (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Seek opportunities to incorporate NWT arts and cultural programming into national and international celebrations and events (Olympics, expos, etc.). (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Look for new and enhanced opportunities to showcase and raise the profile of the NWT arts and creative sector (art displays, live demonstrations and/or performances, etc.). (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Promote the NWT Arts logo as a mark of authentic artwork in the marketplace and the website as a tool to find NWT art and artists. (ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Promote the cultural significance of artwork made in the NWT and how authenticity increases monetary value. (ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Create and use digital technologies and social media platforms to promote NWT art. (ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
- Collect, evaluate and publish current data on the NWT arts sector to help identify areas of growth and opportunity. (ECE/ITI) – 2025-2027 On-track
Art-based business NWT Arts Strategy
Increase access to arts funding.
- Gather and share information about national and international funding opportunities for NWT artists and creative projects. (ECE/ITI) – 2023-2024 Delayed
- Seek ways to better support artists and organizations to improve grant writing. (ECE/ITI) – 2024-2025 On-track
Arts funding NWT Arts Strategy
Improve marketing resources for artists, retailers and organizers.
- Continue to promote the NWT Arts Program to artists, retailers and organizations to create and improve their marketing strategies. (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
- Develop resources for artists focusing to improve knowledge of how to sell their artwork in new and innovative ways (e-commerce and social media platforms, how to price artwork, media relations, etc.). (ITI) – Ongoing On-track
Art-based business Arts education NWT Arts Strategy