NWT Literacy Awards

The NWT Literacy Awards honour the literacy achievements of youth and adult learners, exceptional educators, and organizations and businesses across the territory.  

See a listing of past award recipients.

How do you nominate someone for an award?

To nominate someone for an award, fill out the nomination form and email it to nwtliteracy_awards@gov.nt.ca. You must include two email references and/or letters of support. Additional supporting material, such as photographs, audio-visuals, publications and products, are welcome but not necessary.

For help filling out this form please contact the NWT Literacy Council at 867-873-9262 or by email at nwtliteracy@nwtliteracy.ca.

What are the award categories?

There are nine total literacy awards that may be given each year, including eight Ministerial Literacy Awards and the Premiers of Canada Council of the Federation of Literacy Award.

The Ministerial Literacy Awards include:

  1. Youth Learner Literacy Award
  2. Adult Learner Literacy Award
  3. Youth Indigenous Language Champion Award
  4. Outstanding NWT Educator Award
  5. Outstanding Support for Literacy Development NWT Business Award
  6. Second Language Learner Award
  7. Supporting Literacy Through Technology Award
  8. Outstanding Non-Profit Support for Literacy/Language Development 

All awards criteria are outlined in the nomination form below.  

How many winners will there be?

There will be up to nine winners: one Premiers of Canada Council of the Federation of Literacy Award winner and up to eight Ministerial Literacy Awards (one per category if there are appropriate submissions).

How are award winners selected?

Recipients are selected through a nomination and selection committee process. 

How are the awards presented?

Recipients will be contacted by ECE and announced every Spring through a news release and social media posts.

What do award winners receive?

  • The winner of the Premiers of Canada Council of the Federation of Literacy Award receives a Council of the Federation medallion, a $300 literacy grant cheque, and a congratulatory letter and certificate from the Premier of the Northwest Territories.
  • Winners of the Ministerial Literacy Awards will each receive a $150 literacy grant cheque, and a congratulatory letter and certificate from the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.