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Potential impacts of COVID-19 on NWT JK-12 Education System - Indicators Report (pdf/868.75 KB)
JK-12 Annual Performance Measures Report 2020-2021 (pdf/1.31 MB)
FAQ - Career and Education Advisors (pdf/120.6 KB)
NWT JK-12 Curriculum Renewal Implementation Timeline (pdf/145.14 KB)
Fact Sheet - Timeline to implement BC’s curriculum (pdf/200.33 KB)
Programs and Opportunities Handbook (pdf/1.09 MB)
Consent for the Release of Information (pdf/308.72 KB)
Private Training Institutions Regulations/Règlement sur les établissements de formation privés (pdf/1.98 MB)
Fact Sheet - Reopening NWT schools 2022-23 (pdf/148.6 KB)
École Įtłʼǫ̀ Fun Facts - English (pdf/769.17 KB)
Private Vocational Training Regulations/ Règlement sur la formation professionelle privée (pdf/1.98 MB)
Colleges, Degree Granding and Universities Regulations/Règlement sur les collèges et les universités et sur l'attribution de grades (pdf/2.51 MB)
Colleges, Degree Granting and Universities Regulations/Règlement sur les collèges et les universités et sur l'attribution de grades (pdf/2.51 MB)
Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupation Certification Fee Form (pdf/298.63 KB)
Application to Register in Occupational Certification (pdf/332.03 KB)
Post-Secondary Education General Regulations/Règlement général sur l'éducation postsecondaire (pdf/1.04 MB)