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School Funding Framework 2024-25 (pdf/782.58 KB)
Remedial Options Analysis - Tin Can Hill (pdf/6.83 MB)
Phase II/III Environmental Site Assessment - Tin Can Hill (pdf/13.34 MB)
Draft-Student Records Regulations (pdf/917.49 KB)
FAQs - Phase II/III Environmental Site Assessment of Tin Can Hill (pdf/244.52 KB)
Plain Language Summary - Phase I/II/III Environmental Site Assessment of Tin Can Hill (pdf/978.44 KB)
Preliminary Quantitative Risk Assessment - Tin Can Hill (pdf/8.48 MB)
FAQ - School Calendars (pdf/149.05 KB)
Northern Distance Learning Infographic - 2022-23 (pdf/2.56 MB)
Child and Youth Counsellor (CYC) Program Review - Government Response (pdf/846.38 KB)
Education Hall of Fame Induction Program Guidelines (pdf/392.9 KB)
NWT Proficiency Scale (pdf/556.75 KB)
Education Bulletin - JK-12 Curriculum Renewal: Report Cards (pdf/868.98 KB)