Action Plan Progress Tracker
30 total action items
Develop an Early Learning Framework (ELF) and supporting resources for early childhood educators
- Adapt British Columbia's ELF for the NWT context for use in the pilot phase. 2022-24: Q4 and 2024-25: Q1
- Pilot the ELF and provide ongoing in-servicing to support licensed early learning and child care programs for those piloting ELF. 2024-25: Q2 and Q3
Quality Early Learning and Child Care Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Offer professional development (PD) opportunities for early childhood educators
- Develop and deliver an annual PD and training plan to be delivered to licensed program operators and educators. 2023-24: Q1-Q4 and ongoing
- Increase the participation rate of early childhood educators undertaking training offered by ECE. 2023-24 and ongoing
Quality Early Learning and Child Care Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
JK-12 Indigenous Language Instructor Employment Plan
- Develop an employment plan that will outline the approaches ECE and education bodies will undertake to address systemic needs for JK-12 Indigenous Language Instructors (ILIs). This plan will examine the current supply, project attrition, and identify strategies to supply instructors. 2020-21: Complete
- Begin introducing specific actions to increase the supply of ILIs. 2023-24: On-track
Workforce Development and Capacity Building Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Certificate of Indigenous Language Revitalization (CILR) program
- Deliver the two-year pilot program in partnership with regional Indigenous Governments, Aurora College and the University of Victoria (UVic). 2018-20
Workforce Development and Capacity Building Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Advance the 2020-21 NWT Mentor Apprentice Program (MAP)
- MAP piloted through a partnership with regional Indigenous Governments in 2019-2020.
- MAP evaluations in 2019-2020, 2020-2021 completed. Based on these evaluations, MAP is delivering its second full-year program with MAP pairs having completed training in July 2021.
- In partnership with six Indigenous Governments, now offering 8-month MAP language learning from August 2021 to March 2022.
- The 2021-2022 MAP evaluation in preliminary stages for continuous quality improvement purposes.
Workforce Development and Capacity Building Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Research and develop a 2-year pilot Indigenous Language Diploma (ILD)
- Research and development of the two-year pilot ILD program in partnership with Aurora College, University of Victoria and Indigenous Governments. 2023-24
Workforce Development and Capacity Building Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Increase the number of Indigenous language scholarships
- Increase number of Indigenous language scholarships, i.e. future ILD students. 2022-23: Q2
Workforce Development and Capacity Building Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Pilot a program to support training for JK-12 Support Assistants
- Pilot a program to support JK-12 Support Assistants. *Due to COVID-19, pilot began in 2022 and will be completed in 2024.
- Partner with Aurora College to establish ongoing certification training program. 2024: Q3-Q4
Workforce Development and Capacity Building Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Implement the JK-12 Our Languages curriculum (OLC) and Indigenous Languages and Education (ILE) Handbook
- Deliver 2-year large scale JK-12 OLC pilot including development of teaching resources and assessment tools, and continue to provide in-servicing to pilot teachers. 2019-20: Complete
- Implement OLC in all NWT schools and ensure that all schools are using the ILE Handbook. 2023-24: Q2
Curriculum and Student Assessment Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Explore Grades 1-12 curriculum partnership with an alternate jurisdiction (options and opportunities for adoption and adaptation)
- Prepare a curriculum options paper for the Minister of ECE. 2019-20: Complete
- Engagement with Indigenous governments and education bodies. 2021-22: Complete
- Assuming positive decision, begin adaptation and implementation of new curriculum. Complete
Curriculum and Student Assessment Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
JK-4 Literacy and Numeracy Strategy
- Develop a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 4 (JK-4) Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in collaboration with education bodies. 2021-23: Q1-Q4
- Release, distribute, in-service and implement the JK-4 Literacy & Numeracy Strategy. 2023-24: Q4
Curriculum and Student Assessment Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Develop Northern Studies 20 curricula with Education Bodies and Indigenous Governments
- Develop the course scope and sequence, while engaging with Education Bodies and Indigenous Governments. 2020-22: Complete
- Small-scale pilot of Northern Studies 20 in select schools across NWT. 2022-23: Complete
- Full-scale pilot in all high schools across the NWT. 2023-24: Complete
Curriculum and Student Assessment Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Provide distance learning opportunities in all NWT small schools through Northern Distance Learning (NDL)
- Increase the number of small schools with NDL program from 15 to 20 in 2019-20. 2020-21: Complete
- Increase the number of courses offered through NDL from 17 to 27. 2023-24: Complete
All NWT schools have now been given the opportunity to join NDL.
Student Supports Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Expand the Career and Education Advisor (CEA) program
- Create 12 CEA positions distributed throughout NWT regions by 2024. 2023-24: Q4
- Increase the percentage of Grade 9 to 12 students who met with a CEA from 780 (70%) in 2019-20. 2023-24: Q4
Student Supports Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Common job descriptions for JK-12 Support Assistants
- Create and implement a common job description for JK-12 Support Assistants. 2019-20: Complete
Student Supports Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Update JK-12 Support Assistant section of Inclusive Schooling Handbook
- Revise and update JK-12 Support Assistant section of the Inclusive Schooling Handbook. 2020-21
Student Supports Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Develop greater integration of services for children and youth in the education system through expanding regional capacity
- Explore regional approaches to expand the current capacity of Territorial-Based Support Team. 2020-21: Q4
- Identify a pilot or demonstration site for the model to be deployed and evaluated. 2021-22: Q4
- Collaborate with other departments to finalize a model for integrated service delivery that involves provision to services in schools. 2023-24: Q4
Student Supports Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Improve mental health counselling services to children and youth
- All regions supported by 42 Child and Youth Care Counsellors and 7 clinical supervisors. 2021-22: Q4 - Complete
- Counselling will be provided to schools with fewer than 75 students through a traveling itinerant mental health team. 2022-23 - Complete
- Provide classroom-based (Tier 1) and school-wide (Tier 2) mental health training, resources and strategies for prevention. 2019-24: Q1-Q4 - On track
Student Supports Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Implement an online educator certification and credentialing system for early childhood and JK-12 educators
- Online system in use for all new certification applications. 2020-21: Q3-Q4
- All certification files prior to 2021-22 moved into new system. 2023-24: Q4
Training, Development and Support for School Employees Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Training and supports for principals of small schools
- Conduct research on best practices and survey principals of small schools. 2020-21: Complete
- Develop program of training and supports. 2023-24: Q1-Q4
- Pilot program with interested schools and principals. 2023-24: Q1-Q4
Training, Development and Support for School Employees Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Training and supports for teachers of multi-grade classrooms
- Conduct research on best practices and survey principals of small schools. 2020-21: Complete
- Develop program of training and supports. 2023-24: Q1-Q4
- Pilot program with interested schools and educators. 2023-24: Q1-Q4
Training, Development and Support for School Employees Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Education System Training and Support Plan
- Inventory of planned professional development and training opportunities offered at school, regional and territorial levels. 2020-21: Complete
- Offer in-person and distance professional development and training opportunities for education body elected representatives, school employees in partnership with education bodies. 2021-22: Complete
Training, Development and Support for School Employees Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Develop competency-based educator standards and associated accountability mechanisms
- Standards and accountability mechanisms in place by the 2022-23 school year.
Training, Development and Support for School Employees Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Modernize the Education Act in consultation with stakeholders
- Research modernization options that will support Indigenous Government engagement and jurisdiction acquisition and develop discussion paper. 2020-21: Complete
- Consult and engage with stakeholders. 2020-21: Complete
- Produce a “What We Heard Report” based on previous engagement. 2021-22: Complete
- Using the information gathered through research and consultation, prepare and submit a legislative proposal. 2022: Complete
Governance Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Review the JK-12 education funding framework in consultation with stakeholders
- An updated JK-12 funding framework aligns with the updated Education Act. 2023-24: Q4
Governance Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Develop plans to analyze and share results of EDI, MDI and HBSC surveys
- Develop and share approach to analyzing Early Development Instrument (EDI) data. 2021-22: Q3 - Completed
- Develop and share approach to analyzing Middle Development Instrument (MDI): 2023-24: Q3
- Develop and share approach to analyzing Health Behaviour of School-Aged Children (HBSC) data: 2023-24: Q4
Monitoring and Evaluation Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
JK-12 Planning and Accountability Framework
- Reporting on education outcomes, including graduation rates - Annual - Complete
- Education Body operating plans submitted. Annual - Complete
- Education Body annual reports submitted. Annual - Complete
Monitoring and Evaluation Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Student Behaviour, Referrals, and Intervention Tracking
- Completion of RFP process and confirmation of vendor delivery of platform. 2019-20: Complete
- Development of data tracking module with vendor and providing education staff training. 2023-24
- Launching and using the platform to report. 2024-25
Monitoring and Evaluation Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
Strengthening Teacher Instructional Practices (STIP) Evaluation
- Submit report on Strengthening Teacher Instructional Practices (STIP) to Standing Committee.
- Evaluation has been deferred due to the pandemic's impacts on the education system.
Monitoring and Evaluation Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan
5-year review of Education Renewal Initiative
- Complete the five-year evaluation of Education Renewal Initiative. 2019-20: Complete
Monitoring and Evaluation Improving Student Outcomes Action Plan