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Immigration Strategy Performance Measurement (pdf/678.52 KB)
Rapport sur les langues officielles, 2016-2017 (pdf/4.92 MB)
Official Languages Report 2016-17 (pdf/5 MB)
Aurora College Foundational Review TOR - Eng (pdf/278.12 KB)
Inclusive Schooling Handbook (pdf/27.39 MB)
SNAP Video - Promoting Employers to take on a SNAP student.
SNAP Promotional Video for Students interested in learning more about the SNAP program or becoming a registered student.
JKK Curriculum (pdf/3.8 MB)
Plan de Mesure du Rendement lié au Plan d'action Quadriennal 2016 à 2020 (pdf/2.59 MB)
NWT Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupational Certification Strategy 2017-2022- French (pdf/3.39 MB)
Northern Studies 10 - Module 4 - Living Together (pdf/27.85 MB)