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Ministerial Directive - School Fees for Treaty Rights Holders (2003) and Clarification on Directive (2004) (pdf/94.6 Ko)
Replaced by the Indigenous Language and Education Policy.
Ministerial Directive - Departmental Directive on Aboriginal Language and Culture Based Education - Revoked (2004) (pdf/688.81 Ko)
Science and Technology Curriculum, K-6 (pdf/1.78 Mo)
Tabacco Education - Teacher Manual (pdf/580.78 Ko)
Tabacco Education - Gr. 8 or Gr. 9 (pdf/1.13 Mo)
Tabacco Education - Gr. 5 or Gr. 6 (pdf/877.66 Ko)
Tabacco Education - Gr. 3 or Gr. 4 (pdf/1.09 Mo)
Honouring the Spirt of our Children - A Framework for School Counselling Programs (pdf/470.03 Ko)
ASM - Math Module 2 (pdf/539.43 Ko)
Ministerial Directive - Recruitment of Teaching Personnel (2001) (pdf/643.61 Ko)
Ministerial Directive - Career Development Across the Lifespan (2001) (pdf/1.87 Mo)
Healthy Relationships - Teacher Manual (pdf/2.68 Mo)
Healthy Relationships - Student Manual (pdf/3.88 Mo)
Ministerial Directive - Child Abuse Protocol (1998) (pdf/2.62 Mo)
Ministerial Directive - Magnet Facilities (1998) (pdf/313.05 Ko)
Ministerial Directive - Religious Instruction in Public Schools (1998) (pdf/198.16 Ko)
Ministerial Directive - Home Schooling (1996) (pdf/230.2 Ko)
Health Studies, Grade 6 (pdf/3.27 Mo)