Transformation Progress Tracker
80 total
Student Housing Policy Revised
Anticipated Outcome
One of the Working Groups formed during Phase 1 of transformation will revise the student housing policy to ensure local students in Inuvik have access to student Housing through the approval the revised policy.
Commitment to transform Aurora College into a polytechnic university
Anticipated Outcome
A Phase 1 critical milestone commitment led by the GNWT - The Government of the Northwest Territories committed to establishing polytechnic university and directed the hiring of an Associate Deputy Minister and formation of the ECE-based Aurora College Transformation Team.
First meeting of the Advisory Committee
Anticipated Outcome
A committee of Ministers and corresponding committee of Deputy Ministers provide expert advice to the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment and the Associate Deputy Minister of Post-Secondary Education Renewal on key transformation issues.
Release NWT Post-Secondary Education Framework
Anticipated Outcome
A Phase 1 critical milestone commitment led by the GNWT - A 10-year NWT Post-Secondary Education Strategic Framework 2019-2029 will be released after a territory-wide visioning exercise that includes a public speaker series.
Career and Education Advisors are meeting with students to support career and education decisions
Anticipated Outcome
Career and Education Advisors work with students in Grades 9-12 and with youth aged 18-24 to support informed decision making regarding their education and career paths. These groups represent a significant portion of the NWT’s future workforce and their success is critical to the NWT’s economic success.
Student Service Desk hours expanded
Anticipated Outcome
Students are better served by a Service Desk that is more readily available during those times when students require them -- during the lunch hour and after 4 p.m.
Staff trained on new Student Information System
Anticipated Outcome
The new Student Information System (SIS), a GNWT investment in Aurora College, collects and provides accurate and accessible data ensuring the Aurora College Team can meet the demands of a modern post-secondary institution both during and after its transformation into a polytechnic university.
New Student Information System fully implemented
Anticipated Outcome
The new student information system, a GNWT investment in Aurora College, will support internal information management and public reporting of statistics.
Academic Program Development and Review Framework developed
Anticipated Outcome
One of the Working Groups formed during phase 1 of transformation developed a new policy and processes to review and make decisions around programming. These will continue to evolve as other related transformation work is completed and be led by Aurora College.
L’un des groupes de travail formés au cours de la phase 1 de la transformation a élaboré une nouvelle politique et de nouveaux processus pour examiner les programmes et prendre des décisions. Ces éléments continueront à évoluer en parallèle au travail de transformation qui est mené et réalisé par le Collège Aurora.
Program Review policies finalized
Anticipated Outcome
A Program Review Policy that meets best practices and national standards is in place and being applied to the review of all existing programs. This policy work was led by one of the Working Groups established during Phase 1 of transformation. The policy will continue to be updated as Aurora College establishes additional capacity related to program review and development.
Provide Indigenous Engagement Approach to Indigenous Governments for their input
Anticipated Outcome
Engagement with Indigenous governments will be incorporated into all planning and execution of work related to the transformation of Aurora College. The importance of having a post-secondary institution that reflects the values and interests of Northern residents and communities cannot be overstated. An internal best practices approach was established early in transformation by the GNWT to support these efforts and will be continued by Aurora College as they work to transform into a polytechnic university.
Aurora College internal Working Groups formed
Anticipated Outcome
Aurora College employees will be directly engaged in the transformation into a polytechnic university. Four Working Groups, made up of Aurora College employees and Aurora College Transformation Team members, will be established to help coordinate the implementation and completion of the projects in four distinct areas: Academic Program Management, Recruitment and Retention, Accountability and Operations.
Discussion paper on governance released
Anticipated Outcome
A critical milestone that started in Phase 1 and concludes in Phase 2 is the coming into force of the update Aurora College Act. Feedback on a discussion paper shared with Indigenous governments, stakeholders and the public helped inform the proposed arm's length governance model for Aurora College and the polytechnic university.
Partnerships with NWT post-secondary institutions established
Anticipated Outcome
Partnerships are essential to successful transform Aurora College to a polytechnic university. Aurora College, College Nordique francophone, and Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning, entered into an agreement to formalize a collaborative relationship and build capacity to increase access to post-secondary programming and services in the NWT. Signatories will contribute their institutional strengths to support the development of complementary programs and services that will provide students with more program choices, attract research investments, and respond to workforce development needs.
Définition des domaines de spécialité de l’université polytechnique
Anticipated Outcome
Grâce aux commentaires de partenaires, des parties prenantes et du public, les domaines de spécialité de l’université polytechnique orienteront les décisions quant aux programmes, aux investissements dans la recherche et à la création de partenariats stratégiques. Ces travaux marquent la phase 1 de la transformation
Identify polytechnic university areas of specialization
Anticipated Outcome
Based on feedback from partners, stakeholders and the public, Areas of Specialization for the polytechnic university will inform future programming decisions, investment in research and the formation of new strategic partnerships. This work is indentified as part of phase 1 of transformation.
Launch ACT's Critical Milestone Interactive Webpage
Anticipated Outcome
Tracking the progress of the Aurora College Transformation ensures transparency and accountability throughout the transformation process.
Release Aurora College 3-Year Strategic Plan 2020-2023
Anticipated Outcome
During phase 1 of transformation, the GNWT and Aurora College released Aurora College's 2020-2023 Strategic Plan. This document includes a new vision for the College to help guide it on the path to becoming a polytechnic university. A second 3-year plan will be released in 2023 and a 5-year strategic planning cycle for the polytechnic university will begin in 2026.
Release Transformation Implementation Plan
Anticipated Outcome
During phase 1 of transformation, the GNWT will release an Implementation Plan that lays all of the tasks required to transform Aurora College into a polytechnic university, ensuring that the right changes are made in the right order and at the right time.
Commit to transformation having neutral or positive social and economical impacts
Anticipated Outcome
The Aurora College Transformation Implementation Plan commits that over the course of its transformation to the polytechnic university the changes will have a neutral or positive social and economic impact.
Reflect a service oriented, learning centred approach in the 3-year Aurora College Strategic Plan
Anticipated Outcome
One of the four pillars in the 2020-2023 Aurora Strategic Plan is Learning Centred. The College Team are committed to providing learners with programs and services that are adaptive and can be tailored to help students meet their academic and personal goals. Work to strengthen Aurora College as a learning-centred institution will result in tangible improvement to the student experience and improved student outcomes.
2019-2020 Aurora College Annual Report released
Anticipated Outcome
During phase 1, Aurora College will release and table the 2019-2020 Aurora College Annual Report. This action meets a legal requirement and highlights the achievements of the College. The tabling of the 2019-2020 Annual report completes this commitment, however subsequent years will incrementally build on this year's report to reflect a polytechnic university.
2020-2021 Corporate Plan for Aurora College released
Anticipated Outcome
The 2020-2021 Corporate Plan for Aurora College is released using a new model. The model will continue to develop over the next few years and will move the College's corporate planning closer to that of a polytechnic university.
Establish three new research chair positions
Anticipated Outcome
Research is an important part of a post-secondary institution. Three new Research Chairs will drive innovative research and capacity, each based at one of the three Aurora College campuses. Each Research Chair will be responsible for developing and implementing an applied research program related to the areas of specialization. Their work will align with Aurora College's strategic direction and values, build Northern capacity and address Northern research needs.
First ACT Implementation Plan quarterly report distributed
Anticipated Outcome
A quarterly report will be generated and distributed starting in January 2021. The information will monitor and report on the progress of the Aurora College Transformation. A report will be distributed quarterly and on a regular basis until the milestones led by the GNWT are complete in 2023/2024.
Program policies are developed to ensure alignment with vision, mission and goals
Anticipated Outcome
Working Groups established during phase 1 will continue to develop or amend program policies that address the creation, suspension and termination of programs at the institution and ensure they are aligned with the institution's vision, mission, goals and areas of teaching and research specialization.
Board of Governors skill matrix has been developed
Anticipated Outcome
A skills matrix ensures that Board of Governor members have the necessary competencies and, as a whole, the Board comprises the necessary skills and experience to provide strategic direction and oversight of Aurora College and the polytechnic university. The matrix approach has been developed and the specific competencies will continue to be defined over time, following the legislative process to amend the Aurora College Act.
Institution's Executive Leadership Team structure defined
Anticipated Outcome
A new Aurora College Executive Leadership Team structure will support the changes and growth of the College both during and after its transforms into a polytechnic university.
Gap Analysis of Current Policies Complete
Anticipated Outcome
The working groups established during phase 1 will do a gap analysis on current policies and use itto inform the amendment of current policies and the development of new policies throughout the transformation process.
Introduction of a draft bill to amend the Aurora College Act
Anticipated Outcome
A draft bill is introduced during phase 1 of transformation to amend the Aurora College Act, which includes a change in governance that leads to the reinstatement of the Board of Governors and a new arm's length governance model for Aurora College.
Policy Development Framework Enhanced
Anticipated Outcome
Working Groups established during phase 1 of transformation support the enhancement of a policy development framework that will better support the institution.
Needs assessment of collaborative technology and social media platforms conducted
Anticipated Outcome
The institution supports students through the strategic use of technology and social media -- both in the recruitment and retention of students.
Training sessions for staff on protection of privacy and sharing of personal information have occurred
Anticipated Outcome
Mandatory training for all Aurora College staff will be scheduled and completed in this academic year to ensure awareness of the protection of privacy and sharing of personal information.
A Student Experience Model is developed
Anticipated Outcome
A Student Experience Model sets minimum standards that a typical student should experience when applying to, studying at, and graduating from Aurora College. The services and instructional elements of Community Learning Centres will also be considered as part of a Student Experience Model. This will support the development of the Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Plan. This work was done by Aurora College as part of their efforts to enhance internal policies as they move towards a polytechnic university.
Academic Plan includes consideration of the use of technology in program delivery
Anticipated Outcome
Aurora College and the GNWT develop an academic plan that is released during phase 1 of transformation. As part of its development, the use of technology for program delivery will be considered to maximize opportunities in more communities.
Policies related to records management reviewed
Anticipated Outcome
Working Groups established during phase 1 of transformation, reviewed policies related to records management to ensure all Aurora College policies related to records management are up to date and meet current standards.
Release Aurora College 3-Year Academic Plan
Anticipated Outcome
Aurora College and the GNWT release a 3-Year Academic Plan. This work is a milestone commitment for phase 1 of transformation.
Strategic Enrolment Management Plan developed
Anticipated Outcome
Developing a Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) plan will help the College focus its efforts where they are needed most in order to help all Aurora College students achieve success while at the institution and beyond. A SEM plan coordinates the College's core business functions such as student recruitment, student services, and academic program planning to make enrollment growth and stability something that can be predicted and is planned. This work is not a milestone committment, but important to enhancing the instution and preparing for transformation.
Strategic Enrolment Management Plan has approved resources
Anticipated Outcome
The Strategic Enrolment Management Plan will support student success and the success of the Plan will be realized when its implementation is included in the budgeting cycle.
Student Recruitment Ambassadors explored as part of the Recruitment and Marketing Plan
Anticipated Outcome
Student Recruitment Ambassadors may add to the success of recruitment activities with first hand experience. The added value of ambassadors will be identified in the Recruitment, Marketing and Communications Strategy 2021-2024.
Aurora College program review schedule is developed
Anticipated Outcome
A cyclical schedule is developed that specifies dates for the next review of each Aurora College program in order to support continuous quality improvement. This work will support future transformation milestone commitments and program implementation goals led by Aurora College.
Role of the Board of Governors has been amended under the Aurora College Act
Anticipated Outcome
A new arm's length governance system for Aurora College will be established through Legislated amendments to the Aurora College Act.
Update Aurora College Act
Anticipated Outcome
Amendments to the Aurora College Act are passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories and will change the role of the Board of Governors, making the institution more arm's length from Government.
Engage on JK-12 education through Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Anticipated Outcome
Building on other engagements with NWT Education Authorities the College, ECE and Education Authorities will explore ways of addressing low post-secondary completion rates and poor transition rates between the secondary and post-secondary systems. To track progress of the extensive work being done in this area, visit:
New college governance policies and procedures developed
Anticipated Outcome
Working Groups established during phase 1 of transformation establish new policies and procedures to support implementation of the new Aurora College governance model.
Bachelor of Education program review complete
Anticipated Outcome
Aurora College has created a program development team that continue to undertake projects related to program review including the Bachelor of Education Program. These efforts will support the phase 2 milestone commitment to reinstante the Bachelor of Education program.
Social Work program review complete
Anticipated Outcome
Aurora College has created a program development team that continue to undertake projects related to program review including the Social Work Program. These efforts will support the phase 2 milestone commitment to reinstante the social work program.
A student resources quick guide is available
Anticipated Outcome
A student resources quick guide, supported by a section on the Aurora College website ,will provide students with an understanding of the services available to them, how to access those services and the standards by which they can expect responses from the service providers. The transformational aspect of this project has been completed and it will be operationalized through the implementation of the Strategic Enrolment Management Plan.
College application process standards in place
Anticipated Outcome
Application standards will ensure that every student entering a program has been assessed to ensure they have the prerequisites required to succeed in their chosen program. The transformational aspect of this project has been completed and it will be operationalized through the implementation of the Strategic Enrolment Management Plan.
Program policies address all aspects of program decision-making
Anticipated Outcome
The Program Development Team led by Aurora College has reviewed the program policies that address the creation, suspension and termination of programs at the institution. These are now in place and aligned with the institution's vision, mission, goals and areas of teaching and research specialization. These efforts will support the phase 2 milestone commitment to reinstante programs in the areas of teaching and research.
Updates completed to electronic information learning environment policy
Anticipated Outcome
Through a working group created during phase 1 of transformation, the Aurora College Electronic Information Learning Environment Policy was updated to better reflect, and align with the needs of programming today and in the future.
Develop Board of Governors recruitment process
Anticipated Outcome
Through a working group created during phase 1 of transformation, the Board of Governors' recruitment process was developed. This process will provide a guide by which the public can apply to be a member of the Aurora College Board of Governors. The new process will include competency requirements to ensure an effective and efficient Board that is able to lead the institution through the changes required to become a polytechnic university.
Balanced score card created
Anticipated Outcome
Through a working group created during phase 1 of transformation, a balanced score card was developed that will keep the institution on track, linking its activities to its goals in a way that shows which have been successful and which need more work. This work will be led by Aurora College on an ongoing basis.
A Student Housing Management plan developed
Anticipated Outcome
The Polytechnic University Facilities Plan, which is a phase 2 critical milestone will identify ways to address the needs of students arriving in or returning to student housing.
Community Learning Centre proposal released as part of the Facilities Master Plan
Anticipated Outcome
The Polytechnic Facilities Master Plan, which is a phase 2 critical milestone, will propose how the institution will address which programs should be delivered at which Community Learning Centre, strengthen connections to Aurora College campuses and to the secondary school system.
Condition, safety and cultural appropriateness of student housing reviewed addressed in the Facilities Plan for polytechnic university
Anticipated Outcome
Student success is enhanced when student housing is in good condition, is safe and culturally appropriate for the students we serve. A proposal for enhanced housing will be included in the Polytechnic Facilities Master Plan, released during phase 2 of transformation.
Internet bandwidth requirements are identified
Anticipated Outcome
Programs requiring the use of internet bandwidth are understood and plans are in place to increase capacity as and where needed. This is being considered in the IT needs assessment currently underway as part of the Facilities Master Plan work that is a milestone for phase 2 of transformation.
Polytechnic University Facilities Master Plan released
Anticipated Outcome
The Polytechnic Facilities Master Plan, released during phase 2 of transformation provides provide a comprehensive proposal of each facility type, their requirements, how they support learning and research, and their connection to the broader network of facilities across the polytechnic university. This document will inform the 10-year Capital Plan.
Recreational facilities are more accessible to students
Anticipated Outcome
The Polytechnic Facilities Master Plan, which is a phase 2 critical milestone, will propose enhanced access to recreational facilities in campus communities, enhancing post-secondary experience for our students.
Regional needs assessments complete
Anticipated Outcome
Work to understand regional needs in terms of types of programming and methods of program delivery is a critical part of developing the Polytechnic University Facilities Plan, released during phase 2 of transformation and an important step in the overall transformation. It will inform both how the institution operates and decisions around new facilities.
Polytechnic university student pathways identified through Community Learning Centres (CLCs)
Anticipated Outcome
A variety of suitable pathways are identified in the Facilities Master Plan that could support a range of students entering the polytechnic university. The Facilities Master Plan is a phase 2 milestone and work on Community Learning Centres will continue as a separate project that builds on this initial piece.
Board of Governors operating manual developed
Anticipated Outcome
A Board of Governors operating manual that outlines the roles and responsibilities of Board members, as well as accountabilities and reporting requirements is developed by ACT and provided to Aurora College for implemetation. Once established, it will be the responsibility of the Board to update or make changes to the manual. Reinstating the Aurora College Board of Governors is a critical milestone for phase 2 of transformation.
Board orientation process developed
Anticipated Outcome
An orientation process for all Board members is developed and provided to Aurora College for finalizing and implementation. The orientation process should provide a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities as a member of the Board and of the institution. Reinstating the Aurora College Board of Governors is a critical milestone for phase 2 of transformation.
Policy Working Committee Established
Anticipated Outcome
One of the Working Groups established during phase 1 of transformation will schedule and conduct ongoing policy reviews as part of ongoing operations.
Re-establish Aurora College Board of Governors
Anticipated Outcome
The Aurora College Board of Governors will be re-established and marked by a formal announcement. Reinstating the Aurora College Board of Governors is a critical milestone for phase 2 of transformation.
Board to submit request to the Minister for establishment of a polytechnic university
Anticipated Outcome
In order to establish a public post-secondary institution in the NWT, the Aurora College Board of Governors must submit a formal request to the Minister of Education, once key transformational changes are complete. This is a critical milestone identified for phase 2 of transformation
Develop a coherent set of service standards that can be applied across all facets of the institution
Anticipated Outcome
A coherent set of Service Standards that can be applied across all facets of the institution will be drafted and provided to Aurora College for finalizing and implementation. This will serve as a baseline for many of the institutions key performance indicators (KPIs) to be featured in future Aurora College Corporate Plans. This will be a requirement in order to complete transformation.
Academic Advisory Council Established
Anticipated Outcome
The Academic Advisory Council, which is a phase 2 critical milestone, will be comprised of the Executive Leadership Team, program heads and school chairs, faculty, staff and student representatives and will ensure all programs are aligned with the overall vision, strategic direction and areas of specialization developed through the transformation into a polytechnic university. This work will be led by the Aurora College Board of Governors.
Develop comprehensive community learning centre plans
Anticipated Outcome
Building on the Polytechnic University Facilities Master Plan, a comprehensive plan for community learning centres will be developed. This will include an analysis of different models of community program delivery, which includes the articulation of the types and levels of programing to be delivered at the various community learning centres. It is critical that the polytechnic university maintain close connections between campuses, community learning centres and to the secondary school system. This is sometimes referred to as “student pathways”. Effective student pathways ensure equitable access and provide learning opportunities that make sense for Northerners.
Aurora College Organization Design
Anticipated Outcome
Aurora College and the GNWT will work together to develop an organization design for Aurora College that meets the requirements of a polytechnic university and the needs of students. This commitment will be marked completed once design is identified and implementation will be a phased in approach.
Release Aurora College/polytechnic university 3-Year Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Anticipated Outcome
A 2023-2026 Strategic Plan will overlap Aurora College and the polytechnic university. It will guide Aurora College for the second phase of the transformation and the polytechnic university through its initial years. A 5-year strategic planning cycle for the polytechnic university will begin in 2026.
*The finalized Aurora College/polytechnic university 3-year strategic plan is for 2024-2027, not 2023-2026.
Aurora College's Corporate Plan includes a results-based budget
Anticipated Outcome
To increase the accountability and efficiency of the College, a results-based budget evaluation will be completed as part of the Corporate Plan development.
Recruitment, Marketing and Communication Strategy developed 2024-2026
Anticipated Outcome
A new comprehensive Recruitment, Marketing and Communication Strategy is completed and is aligned with the institution's 5-Year Academic Plan, 2023-2026 Strategic Plan and the Strategic Enrolment Management plan. This plan will support the final stages of transformation to a polytechnic university.
Complete institutional quality assurance evaluation
Anticipated Outcome
In order to be recognized as a degree-granting post-secondary institution, Aurora College must go through a review by a legislated body. This review requires Aurora College to complete a self-study and put the key pieces in place to pass the review and receive recognition. This recognition is required by the Minister before they can approve the establishment of a polytechnic university. This work is a phase 2 critical milestone.
Year 1 of Education, Social Work and General Arts and Science Programs Implemented
Anticipated Outcome
Aurora College will work to have programs re-introduced by fall 2024.
Establish a Polytechnic University Funding Framework
Anticipated Outcome
The GNWT will work with a contractor to develop a funding framework and funding formula that can be used for Aurora College and eventually the future polytechnic university. This is identified as a critical milestone for transformation.
Release polytechnic university 5-Year Academic Plan
Anticipated Outcome
The 5-Year Academic Plan for the polytechnic university will be released and guide programming decisions. This is a phase 2 critical milestone, led by Aurora College.
Establish new legislation for polytechnic university
Anticipated Outcome
Legislation is passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories formally establishing the polytechnic university. This is a phase 3 critical milestone.
Establish Academic Senate for polytechnic university
Anticipated Outcome
Establishment of an Academic Senate is identified as a phase 3 critical milestone.
Release polytechnic university 5-year Strategic Plan
Anticipated Outcome
The first 5-Year polytechnic university strategic plan will be established by the Board of Governors and released by Aurora College. This is identified as a phase 3 critical milestone.